Alpha Rho Sigma Chapter
In conjunction with the Blue Light Education Fund, the Alpha Rho Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. will offer annual scholarships for high school students. This page will serve as the hub to access scholarships as they become available. Please feel free to view current available options.
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Rho Sigma Chapter, in keeping with its commitment to
President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper Initiative, introduces its’ I Am My Brother’s Keeper College
Scholarship. Through this program, the Fraternity hopes to help aid and address persistence issues impacting men of color in higher education.
The fraternity will award a $500 scholarship to two college bound gentlemen of color who have
demonstrated a commitment: to serving their community, developing their personal leadership skills and excelling in their academics.
Scholarship Requirements:
College bound male of color from the Greater Grand Rapids area.
Recommended Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0
500 Word Essay (Topic: “How I have served my community and why I should be honored with this scholarship.”)
1 completed reference form
High school transcript or Report Card
Proof of College Acceptance
Deadline: Friday April 16, 2021
Application can be accessed below:
WEB ACCESS (must have a gmail account to login)
(1) Online Application: 2021 I Am My Brothers Keeper Application
(2) Online Reference Form: 2021 I Am My Brothers Keeper Reference Form
Please right click on each file and select "save link as" to download to your computer before opening. Do not open and complete these applications directly in your browser. You will need adobe acrobat or adobe reader to complete the forms on your computer. You can also open and print the forms if you prefer to complete the application by hand.
(1) Print Application: 2021 I Am My Brothers Keeper Application
(2) Print Reference Form: 2021 I Am My Brothers Keeper Reference Form
Please submit application materials and or questions to the chapter at arhosig@gmail.com